
WhetheringWinner of the 2004 Colorado Prize for Poetry

Click here to purchase Whethering from the Colorado State University Center for Literary Publishing

In agile lines that canyon-open, exposing an unfashionable, edgy sinceritas, Rusty Morrison explores the intertwining of life and language in quiet, gorgeous meditations inflected by barn swallows. Whethering leads us into a shapely attentiveness to those particular others—human, animal, vegetal—that situate our affectual and perceptual experience and call us to find our ‘way again and again/​ outside the one thing—.’ With trenchant political and philosophical repercussions, Morrison’s poems cut through the constraints of systematic thought to articulate gestural meanings, powerful rivulets of suggestion and sensibility that reopen the world and wound of being.

—Forrest Gander, final judge, and author of Torn Awake and Science & Steepleflower

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